Monthly Archives: September 2013

How to Help the Growing Trash Problem

While the government and some private companies have the means to free areas of stinky refuse, they can only do so much. Right now, America produces over 250 million tons of garbage every year. Recycling does its part to limit that gigantic amount into a more palatable number, but still, the vast majority of it goes into landfills, which are occupying more and more space as time goes by. 

Technology is doing its part to make trash collection more efficient. Powerful street sweeping trucks and other types of equipment are in place in major cities to help the process along, but its still not enough. Countries that have no access to scientific solutions still resort to dangerous manual trash collection, considering that toxic waste can be present in our garbage; even simple things such as used batteries can cause dreaded diseases if they leak.

Thus, every single person should do his/her part in helping to clean up his/her own city or town. There are too many examples of things you can do, but it can be limited into one very important thing: segregation. This is a quick and simple way that can help garbage collectors immensely. If everyone performs this simple concept consistently, we can turn the use of landfills around and not waste any more real estate on dump sites.

Bring in the Heavies! Types of Street Sweepers

For most people, sweeping entails using a broom and a dustpan to clean out dust, dirt, and grime from a surface. However, this only works well when they’re talking about cleaning their homes; using the same tactic to sweep an entire roadway, district, or city block would be very inefficient and time consuming. This is the reason why various utility crews opt to use heavy-duty street sweepers instead when faced with the job of cleaning an entire neighborhood.

These vehicles employ various tools for the simple task of sweeping out dirt from the road. The most common types are conventional broom sweepers and the more modern air sweepers. Contrary to what the name implies, broom sweepers actually use water jets in tandem with large scrubbers for cleaning, while some variants also use a vacuum machine to suck up the refuse missed by the scrubbers.

On the other hand, air sweepers live up to their name since they use air jets to blow dirt from surfaces and suck all of it into a container, much like a household vacuum cleaner. These systems use regenerative air which circulates between the sweeper and the road. Filters are installed so that the air is cleaned as it is blown back into the surface to pick up more dirt.

Renting for Your Industrial Cleaning Needs

A sewage problem can be quite a mess: the inconvenience it can cause an industrial facility, for example, can be enormous. It can disrupt whole operations for up to days at a time, and workers would have to bear with foul odors that can lead to possible health issues. The problem, especially if it involves the whole sewage system, may be difficult and expensive to solve. 

It’s not common for every factory to have the necessary equipment and workforce to handle sewage cleanup or disposal jobs. Most likely, many would be unprepared to provide the solutions and this can be more costly in the long term. The good news is you can rent vactor trucks and other sewer cleaners to do the work in less time without too much manpower and at less cost. 

Of course, not every vactor truck lease company has the experience and equipment that can handle every situation. Some factories deal with toxic waste or could have a sewage issue that is much larger than the ordinary. In such cases, you should only rely on companies that can boast a strong lineup of vehicles and personnel that will be able to handle any job without any trouble. 

In this case, renting is definitely better than buying because you can avoid maintenance and storage expenses. Aside from that, sewage issues don’t occur all the time that you need the equipment on a daily basis.